Attorney John Lemieux has been practicing law since 1980.
Portland, ME Property Division Lawyer Mediator
Using Mediation to Resolve Your Marital Property Division Issues
The division of marital property and debts is an issue in divorce that can evoke a bitter contest between spouses. This is especially true in marriages that have endured for a long time as well as those where a high-net worth has been achieved. However, even spouses who are less financially advantaged can disagree over such matters as how to divide the family home, joint accounts, and accrued debts. Without the acquired legal knowledge and negotiation skills of an experienced divorce lawyer, these disputes can lead to the necessity of presenting evidence in court and a ruling by a judge which you may or may not agree with.
At the Law Office of John Lemieux, we can help you avoid the cost, length, and emotional toll of litigating your case in court. Our Portland, ME property division attorney focuses on resolving issues through the beneficial process of mediation. As a trained and certified mediator, Attorney Lemieux has successfully resolved hundreds of family law disputes for clients since he began his practice in 1980. With extensive experience in Maine divorce and family law in combination with proven mediation skills, he seeks your best interests through constructive negotiation as opposed to courtroom adversity.
In a fight over property and debt distribution? Book a free 15-minute initial consultation to see if our mediation services are for you with our Portland, ME property division lawyer and mediator online or at (207) 709-0346.

Equitable Distribution in Portland, Mid Coast, Lewiston-Auburn & York County
The state of Maine divides marital property, assets, and debts known as the “marital estate” based on the policy of “equitable distribution” as opposed to community property. This means that your property will be divided based on what the court deems fair on a case-by-case basis. Fair does not always translate into an even split.
Your marital estate can consist of many types of assets as well as the debt you have accrued jointly throughout the marriage. This is deemed “marital” property as opposed to “separate” property; separate property is that which is titled in your name only and acquired prior to the marriage. Separate property can also include gifts and inheritances given to you only during the marriage which you then do not share with your spouse for mutual benefit.
The marital estate can include:
- Residential and commercial real estate
- Checking and savings accounts
- Household belongings
- Vehicles and boats
- High-value art, jewelry, or collectibles
- Stock and bond portfolios
- Family-owned businesses or professional practices
- Financial interests or partnerships in other businesses
- Retirement accounts and pensions
- Complex employment deferred compensation or benefits
- Any other investments or shared assets
You and your spouse can come up with your own agreement on how to divide these assets as well as debts outside of court. When you do, your settlement terms can be formalized and submitted to the court for approval in the final divorce decree. If you cannot come to mutually acceptable terms, mediation is a beneficial way to work out your differences with the assistance of a neutral mediator. Your mediator does not act as an aggressive advocate for either of you but uses trained negotiation tactics to help you work together to achieve a sustainable agreement.
With a strong track record of resolving divorce issues such as property division through his lengthy career, our capable divorce attorney can provide the assistance you need for this critical matter.
Talk to our property division lawyer in Portland about your case in a free case review. Contact us online or at (207) 709-0346 today.
to request a free 15-minute consultation.
See Why We Come Trusted & Recommended

He is extremely knowledgeable, dedicated to his clients, caring, and hard- working.
- Jeffery D.
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